Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Chapter 8 - The late night errands

^^ Hello all Ramos fans, note that this chapter will be revealing a few hints I hope you all will pick up, it'll be happening in the future ^^..... Now please enjoy this new chapter because Joan is about ready to choke me again if I don't shut up already... =]

Her late evening after her co-worker left started at a new bar that just open up.
Immortals Mixes it was call... She found it to be a strange name.. But it turn out to be a relaxing time...

She talk with the mixogest on duty....

She even order some food... Yummy nachos :)
Good choice Joan... Very good choice :)

Even had a drink call Brain Fart *giggles*
It increased her intelligence some after she got thorough the drink...

Soon she had to leave the bar and head out towards her next errand, but she promise the place she would be back again real soon. She really like the bar ^^...

I laugh at how she ran all the way towards her next designation =)

She end up going to the bookstore because she wanted a new logic book to read, she was getting tired of her other one... :) Muhaha

Joan apparently had ideas to do some mischief manged in this young night to....

Oscar: Oh my gosh, such a frighten story. I hope I'm able to sleep good tonight.

Oh we will see that you have a good sleep tonight :) Joan and Oscar ended their date as they headed back to their houses.... Or maybe towards one person house...
I think I'll let these pictures tell their story on their own ;)

Soon they went to sleep after a nice little cuddle and some stuff ;) They both were happy to have each other.... [I find the next picture very funny, this is when Oscar was up before Joan]

Oscar: Oh yeah, that was a good night....

And this is where I leave you guys ;) Sorry that this took so long to get out, I been very busy but hope to pick up the pace of the chapters from here on out... I will try to get chapter 9 out by hopefully after thanksgiving if not sooner.... ^_^
p.s: So what do you think lead from this chapter... if you don't see the next chapter before this is answer.... then hehe :) Be looking forward towards reactions

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